
Be and enjoy it.
Enjoy expressing yourself.

I let out a deep sigh.

Yes, take in the breath-air-spirit of the Divine Great Spirit and exhale your own expression of You back to her.

This is how you co-create with her. It is not a one-and-done kind of thing — its in every breath, every moment, that the magic occurs.

That single breath of air is the gift, the magic, of the entire universe. It is Life. It is a gift from the trees and plants, the seas and rains, the Earth, sun and stars, and the expressions of other animals. Each breath holds the magical expression of the universe.

And its the magic of Life for you. Breathe it in. Experience all that life, love and magic. Hold it. Feel it. Then transform it and send it back out as your own unique expression to the Universe. Let the trees breathe it in and know you. Let it join the clouds so the seas and earth may know you. Let the animals experience it, too.

Inhale their expression. Exhale yours.
Co-create with all the parts of the Universe.

This was divinely channeled, one of my many mind-talks that come as I journal the prompt, “So, Universe, what’s next?” It was very thought provoking for me. We focus so much in “manifesting” and “co-creating with the Divine”. We strive to send our wishes in prayers, frequencies, and vision boards to the Divine, like at a diner — Ding! Order up — and we expect to be served.

What about acknowledging the magic thing that many of us take for granted and most don’t even notice 99% of the time? And may, quite possibly, be one of the most miraculous natural cycles we participate in?

They say so much about the importance of water. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and while you can go three weeks without food, you can only go three days without H20. I’ve never heard it mentioned how long you can go with out air. Its just minutes — on average, three. Maybe it doesn’t get mentioned because without it, you don’t really have enough time to get it.

Yet its the thing we take most for granted. We worry about where our next meal may come, next paycheck, next like, next date, next vacation. Very very few of us think about let alone worry about where our next breath will come.

So, I invite you to breathe.

Sit still, close your eyes and breathe. No, don’t pull up your Breath app on your watch or start meditation “focus on your breathing”. This isn’t about control or awareness. Feel it. Love it. Experience it.

As you breath in…

Imagine all that happened to create that single breath of air. The seas, the trees, the sunlight, the pollen, the smell of your clothes, the exhales of your family, the food you just cooked (and they just ate). What journey could that single breath of air traveled in order to reach you? To bring you your next moment of life.

Now hold it…

Feel your body absorb it. Use it. Transform it. Like an artist, you are taking a material, shaping it, shifting it from relative Nothing into Something. That’s not exactly right, more like Anything being transformed into Someone. You.


Send this changed breath, as a gift, back to the Universe, the Earth and the things around you.


Cherish each breath as the gift it is: a gift for you and a gift from you.