Quick Morning Chakra Opening

Looking to start your day centered, balanced, inspired, energized and ready to take on the day?

For the past few weeks I have been doing this quick Chakra opening morning practice.  My preferred morning practice includes yoga, meditation, chakra opening and journaling—but I usually choose an extra hour of sleep.  Instead of choosing an all-or-nothing kind of soul practice, I get this quick morning chakra opening in each morning, even if I’m running late. On the days I don’t do it, I feel the difference.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers of your body aligned with you endocrine system (or glands), associated with specific color, sounds, and with specific energetic roles.


There are multiple ways of opening, balancing, awakening or calming them.  You can do a targeted meditation, speak chakra focused affirmations, listen to special chakra music, apply or diffuse essential oils, use crystals, or even yoga focused on stimulating the chakras.

Quick Chakra Meditation

Sit or lay in a comfortable, quiet space.  (I prefer my studio’s arm chair but some days the only chance I get to do this is in the shower. My friend prefers to do her meditation in her car, after her long commute and before she walks into work. Do what works for you.)

Close your eyes and breath several deep breaths. Taking in a deep breath, holding for a moment and then releasing.  Your in breath and out breath should be even.

Imagine a deep, dark red energy is seeping into your body from the bottoms of your feet.  As it grows, moving up your legs, it warms and awakens each and every cell of your body, reminding you that you are here. You are alive. It continues, shining red, as it moves up your thighs and to the base of your spine.

As it reaches your hips, the warm and invigorating energy lightens to a beautiful orange.  It moves up your lower stomach, filling you with creativity.

As it reaches your belly button, the warm and vibrant energy lightens to a bright yellow. It moves up the top of your stomach, filling you with confidence and personal power.

As it reaches your chest, the warm and comforting energy turns to a pleasant shade of green.  It moves up your shoulders, filling you with love and acceptance.

As it reaches your throat, the warm and expressive energy turns to a soothing teal. It moves up your face, filling you with the power to express and connect with others.

As it reaches your forehead, the warm and opening energy turns to a deep indigo blue.  It moves up your head, filling you with the inspiring vision of your desired future.

As it reaches the crown of your head, the warm and understanding energy turns to a rich violet. It crests at the top of your head, filling you with spiritual awareness and understanding.

With this colorful energy shining through your body, you feel whole. You feel worthy. You feel empowered. You feel ready.

If you have more time, imagine the energy returning back down from your crown to your feet. Continue this energetic loop up and down through each chakra center until you feel 100% charged up and ready to start your morning!  During this energetic loop, its a great time to speak your current affirmations or you can simply recite:

I am whole.

I am worthy.

I am empowered.

I am ready.

Enhance this chakra mediation with essential oils

I prefer to use essential oils to enrich my experience in opening my chakras each morning. I make simple roller bottles and apply oils on each of my chakras as I go though the meditation: base of spine, below navel, above navel, heart and chest, throat, forehead, behind ears and top of head.

Root Chakra Sacral Chakra Solar Plexis Chakra Heart Chakra Throat Chakra Third Eye Chakra Crown Chakra

If you are just starting out, you can use these simple single oils for each chaka.  If you are accustomed to essential oils or are looking to add crystal energy in addition to essential oils to boost you chakra energy in the morning, check out these awesome stone roller bottles and deluxe chakra recipes.