Class is in Session

I taught my first oil class this weekend. It felt so good to share what I’ve learned about essential oils and how they’ve improved my life. Plus, as a full-time working mom, its hard to find a time to get out and meet new female friends (mainly its all parents of my kid’s friends).

At the class, we talked about essential oil quality and safety as well as the specific details about 15 of the most popular oils. Afterwards, I showed everyone how to make roller ball bottles to for easy on-the-go oiling. I talked with the people who were interested in what this whole “oils” thing is about, my friend, Ann, talked about incorporating oil-infused products — cleaning supplies, shampoo, toothpaste, makeup — to ditch harmful toxic chemicals.

After the event, I realized how much I enjoy sharing the knowledge that I have. I’ve always considered myself a rouge scholar — when something peeks my interest, I dive deep into it — oils, crystals, technology, new art forms. I feel as if I’ve learned so much that it isn’t meant all just for me, that I’m meant to pass it on, to ease the way for others who come after me. It lights me up, sharing like that in person or in writing.

I’ve done an online oils class and while I enjoy sharing and teaching, it’s not the same as in-person. I think we are missing that type of shared energy and space of being in-person. Within our fast paced efficiencies, we miss out on the quiet (and, yes, sometimes awkward) moments of being in the same room, breathing the same air. Sharing more than just our time together. Sharing ourselves.