Crystals & Sortly

If you are an avid, or merely casual, collector of crystals, oils or really anything, you should check out the Sortly App.

Early on in my collection, around 20-30 small tumbled pieces, I realized I wanted an easy yet robust way to catalog, identify and search my collection.  I wanted to be able to know where I bought a rock, for how much and how to spell its name correctly.  Sortly does that and more!

You can have multiple folders or collections, nested and custom tags too.  In my Sortly app, I have Crystals, split into my main collection, my son’s collection, jewelry and pieces that are for sale.  I also have a folder for decks of cards, cleansing tools, and things that have found new home, either from a purchase or a gift.  I also have set up tags for all of my favorite stores (plus general ones for Etsy or gem fair purchases), chakras or if I got something as a gift or freebie.  In Sortly you can also keep short or very detailed notes, lots of pictures, move items, search and even lend out items.  I take a picture of every crystal in my collection so I can identify them later on but only a few of them get many notes.  In the beginning,  I kept more, but as I gained more knowledge and experience I relied on the notes much less.

Sortly really comes in handy when I hear about a benefit of a crystal or see one I like at a store or have a friend wants to buy one from me I can do a quick search on the app to see if I own it already, or see the quality and price.  Plus I talk about my crystals all the time and can’t carry them all with me, so when I get to sharing my stories, I can quickly show off my special pieces.

The Sortly app is free with limits to 100 items or $50 yearly membership for the Home Edition. With over 1,500 items in all my collections, its very affordable for the piece of mind it gives. The membership also gives you access to the web version which is better for making mass updates or copy/pasting info from the online listings of your purchases.  There is also a business version, which I haven’t tried, but I like to have that as a future option if/when I decide to sell in a more official manner.

Words of advice:  If you start this, stick with it!  Its a job to get your existing collection all entered and photographed.  If you are consistent after each Live Sale, gem fair or crystal shop stop, it will be much easier.  My ritual is to line them all up, smudge them all, then one by one, pick them up, bless them, catalog them on Sortly, then put them away with my other tumbles, palms, display shelf or throughout my home.

Since its free for the first 100 entries, give it a try. See how it works for you.

(Plus, at least for me when I tried it out free, I was able to share on social media to unlock another 50 or 100 entries.)