Officially off to the printers!

Thank you all for the support, encouragement, proof reading and pre-orders!

If you had told me a year and half ago that I’d be a published author, I would have laughed. The idea of writing a book while raising a toddler and building a business would have seemed too much for me to handle. And yet, all it took was the decision to start and to keep moving forward each week. If I had waited till I was ‘ready’ I would still be preparing and planning.

If there is a dream you have had for a while but never seem to get around too, stop dreaming. Wake up and start doing.

Take any action you can! You don’t have to write a ‘book’. Just write a page (or even a single word) a day is all it takes to get started. After a week you will have 7 pages (a good chapter size) and after a month you’ll have 30! And, once you get started and making progress (no matter how small) you may find it hard to stop.That’s what it takes to build your dreams.

Believe. Do. Repeat.