Attracting Your Perfect Body Through The Chakras

I’m an avid reader and hard to get this kind of education out in the “normal world” so have to share it with you!

I don’t know what I was expecting when I started but this book, Attracting Your Perfect Body Through The Chakras by Cyndi Dale, BLEW my mind (or my chakras) wide open. It starts off with a quiz to see what are your Strong, Supportive or Weak chakras then makes suggestions on how to utilize them in your life.

It was enlightening. My strongest chakras related to colors white, brown and orange. White and brown I totally get about myself — but orange?! And then I remembered what Jan at Bliss Crystals had said on her last sale, “lemon quartz is pale bright yellow while citrine is more orangey brown.” Ding ding ding! More personal understanding of why I am drawn to smokey dark citrine continues to deepen.

Now to finish reading the book and see how to align my physical wellness practices with my strong chakras!