Anatomy of the Spirit

I highly recommend this eye-opening life-changing book, Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss. If you are looking for healing — more fully understanding yourself and the world you live in (in both the physical and spiritual sense), developing your intuition as well as seeing how four of the major religions share the same messages and can work together in your life — then this book is for you!

This book came to me in an interesting experience — truly guided to it! My son and I were at a park near a library and decided after play time to check out their Friends of the Library used bookstore. I scanned all the shelves and we picked up a few things for each of us and paid. I turned to leave and while walking to the door, I saw the spine of this book sitting on a rolling cart. I picked it up, the title catching my attention first — anatomy like science and yet spirit, cool title — and then noticed the author. I had read Sacred Contracts by Myss before and I have her Archetype cards which was enlightening in the past, so I went back and bought this book. I am very happy I did. It’s one of my all time favorites books and I pass it around to any friend who is interested.