Akashic Records Made Easy

I was in a group Quantum Shift meditation lead by Jen Pearlman on Sunday and was told by my guides to read this book, Akashic Records Made Easy by Sandra Anne Taylor. I’ve had it on my shelf for a while but haven’t have the guts to open it — yep, I’m still working through embracing my power.

I was reminded on Sunday that while I may be deep into it, I’ve only been on this conscious soul explorer journey for less than three years. It’s been a whirl wind — essential oils led me to frequency, vegetarianism and subtle energy which lead me to crystals and numerology which led me to goddess and my Cherokee ancestors which led me to nature, smudging and rituals which led me to Chakra balancing and astrology which led me to Reiki and Jesus which led me to A Course In Miracles, angels and channeling which led me to past life regression which led me to healing, tarot and Oneness which led me to quantum science/spirit and now to Akashic Records. All along the way I’ve learned or heightened gifts that lay dormant within me as I read, experienced and connected with amazing mentors, friends and soul mates.

I wonder what more I will learn — about myself, miracles and the divine — in the next few months and years.