Auralite 23 Slice Necklace

While at the one of the Gem Fairs I was surprisingly attracted to these red and purple amethyst beads. I didn’t know what they were, but was excited that for practically the first time ever, amethyst was calling to me. I bought two strands but had no idea what I would do with them. A couple weeks later, I pulled them out and got to thinking, “What could I do with these?” I realized they were super seven amethyst beads and went looking into my stash for other amethyst — hopefully something smoky. That’s when I remembered an auralite 23 slice that was on display on my crystal wall.

Now, this auralite 23 slice has an interesting story. When I was first introduced to crystals, one of my first experiences was at Hannah d’Or’s booth. I had selected several crystals, including an auralite 23 slice, and while checking out, I got to talking with Hannah. During our talks, we both noticed two times when the auralite slice seemed to get forgotten, set down, missed adding to the bag, etc. I even walked away and in the car realized I didn’t have it in the bag and returned back. At that point, both of us realized that specific piece just did NOT want to come home with me. So, I traded it for some noble shungite and blue crazy lace agate. I was disappointed, but I’m not gonna force a crystal (or a person or nature or anything really) to do something it clearly is telling me it isn’t interested in.

Fast forward six months or more.

I had reached out, online, to Hannah d’Or to purchase some amazing mini polished selenite wands — and by ‘some’ I mean all that she had left because I was giving them away as gifts to co-workers — and I got this feeling that there was something else I was supposed to buy from her. As we are both “woo woo”, as she likes to say, I told her I had a feeling there was something, about $20, that she had that wanted to come home with me. She said, “Okay,” but didn’t tell me what her intuition was telling her. She just sent me an invoice and shipped my items. When I got the package and opened it up, I laughed. There was the most beautiful auralite slice! I loved it! So I cleansed it, blessed it and cataloged it, then put it up on my crystal display wall and kinda forgot about it. (Which happens a lot. I’ve got a lot of crystals and I usually interact with them when they call out to me or I’ve got a specific need, otherwise they just sit comfortably in their spot and happily send out their vibes throughout the house.)

And thats what happened here. The slice got my attention at just the right moment, I pulled it off my wall, a little hesitant to transform one of my favorite display pieces into a necklace that I didn’t know I’d wear much — its purple after all and not my usual scene.

Boy, am I glad I did! This auralite slice is what now graces my most favorite necklace. (I even went out and bought a few new outfits to match it so I could wear it more.)


Auralite 23 slab pendant, super seven and faceted amethyst beads with gold fill valued at $350.

I am very proud of this piece, as its the first time I’ve wire wrapped something that isn’t a cabochon. The unique shape of the slice allowed me to use the gold fill wire to embrace and emphasize the stone’s natural shape and beauty as opposed to make it feel wrapped or caged. I love this piece so much, I think it may be the start of my signature style!

Interested in a bespoke piece like this?